225 Years of Building Better Lives
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A Granddaughter's Tale


Patricia Drogowski (SLIS '73):

My father's father worked in a steel mill in eastern Pittsburgh, as did many of Pittsburgh's workers during the early 1900s. These immigrants came from all over Europe and lived here in crowded, smoke-ridden poverty, often with just enough money and luck to get by. They were smart and knew that their children would have to do better. I would like to think this is the truest example of the University of Pittsburgh's beginnings. The Cathedral of Learning is testimony to this, and its beacon.

Because my father was a teacher, he influenced me. Having graduated from the Pittsburgh Public Schools system, I made it my life's work to teach within it. Without the opportunity to commute to an affordable graduate school to attend classes at night, on weekends, and during summers, earning a master's degree in library science, I would not have met the requirements for advancement in my school system or gained my permanent certification as smoothly (or in such fine company). At Pitt, I was fortunate to take classes with fellow school librarians and other colleagues—excellent, effective, and devoted educators with whom I networked, shared lessons, and became friends. I'll never forget that sense of community.